How to gain right traction on social media?

You might have the best product on the planet. But if the world doesn’t know you, you do not exist in the market. Your product could be amazing, your customer service excellent, but if you are invisible, you cannot help your customers.

Social media is one of the most effective branding tools for creating awareness and rocketing your product/service sales. These brilliant channels of communication are available to everyone, but most of us fail to connect to the targeted audience through these channels.

The world is connected on this single platform with interesting topics always trending on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. So why not, connect with the audience through the same channel?

Here are a few tips to get the traction:


Be patient


It takes time to build an authentic and engaged audience. Many business owners, new to social media get frustrated with it too quickly. Wait for the momentum to set in.


Try one medium at a time

Do your research and try one medium at a time that best suits your marketing needs. What Facebook could do to boost the sales might not be the same with Twitter. But it is important to give each medium focused time before moving on to the next.


Share something personal


This allows your audience to know that it is not an automated system and there is an actual person behind. This helps to build the rapport.


Avoid Social Media blindness


Only tweet or post things you have read. Resist the temptation to set up a feed that tweets everything related to a trending topic or an interest. Not only can this be very annoying to your followers, but also lessens your credibility. It also becomes embarrassing when someone asks you about your opinion on something you shared and you have no idea what they're talking about. You don’t want to be caught in that shoes.



If someone takes the time out to retweet something you post or if they take the time to make a specific comment; a simple ‘thank you’ goes a long way. If you follow posts that interests or moves you, be sure to reach out to the concerned people. It's about lasting connections.


Study the frequency and the timings to post


There is no specific number of times that you need to post in order to capture the audience. But consistency is vital. Also, the time you post plays a crucial role. For example, posting immediately after lunch hours might get ignored by a large number.


Be original and add value


Sharing your own original content is a great way to provide unique value. So is sharing a carefully selected mix of external news articles, blog posts, pictures, and videos. Make your news feed visually appealing. Share a variety of content and give your audience something valuable to come back to day after day.


So, what’s your take on fruitful connections that go a long way? Please put in your comments.

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