How to create an effective virtual team?

For better productivity, look virtual

Virtual teams

Virtual teams were once confined to big IT companies and had a global presence. They could not assimilate everyone together physically. These teams are now a part of many businesses and sectors.

In case you are looking to create a virtual team for your business, here is a look at five such tips:

Ensure a trust-filled work environment:

One of the bare essentials of having a virtual office with a virtual team is to cut down on any trust deficit. You cannot know if your team member has been running the hard yards or taking it easy. The best way to build a successful team is to trust your team members and facilitate mutual trust.

Only when each member of the virtual team understands their role irrespective of their position and have complete trust towards each other can a virtual team deliver the results.

Think long-term:

Performance of virtual team players often peaks when they are working in the same work environment over a period of time. Constant chopping and changing of the members and team leaders of your virtual team is likely to have a negative effect on work parameters including productivity and trust development, apart from reducing performance.

So, when you are setting out to create a virtual team, think long- term and give your virtual team players a longer rope to deliver on their goals. Of course, keep a look out for some warning signs where team members are communicated to properly, but the productivity is low even after offering a conducive work environment.

The team leader matters: Irrespective of whether you have a virtual team or an in-house team working from your brick and mortar office, the role of the team leader is crucial. In a virtual environment, the role of a team leader becomes even more critical as he or she cannot lead by example if he or she needs to demonstrate the long hours of work being put in. Also, keeping the motivation high for all members working in a virtual environment is a challenge, partly due to the 'out of sight, out of mind' syndrome.

To create a well-developed virtual team, focus more on having an experienced and motivated team leader rather than focusing on individuals for the team. A good leader can increase productivity with even a mediocre team by raising the bar.

Ensure physical contact:

A virtual team works in a virtual environment, but the best way to bring the team together is to ensure physical meetups among team members once in a while. You could choose the duration of a physical get-together as per the team preference. When team members work in physical proximity, spend time together, and exchange ideas, it leads to an even better understanding between team players when they work virtually.

Have a communication program:

Since your virtual team does not come face to face often enough, it may lead to a communication gap kind of a situation. To avoid any such communication gap, ensure the team members are interacting with each other. Your company should ensure it has a communication charter where any team player can easily communicate any issues or thoughts to those higher up the hierarchy.

If you have a global team in place, ensure that you finalize a common language for all communication to avoid any misunderstanding or any team members feeling left out. Cultures and languages may differ, but the essential human traits remain the same. Ensuring a positive work environment for your virtual team members will lead to better results over a period of time.

Working virtually is now a given in many industries and can lead to reduction in overhead costs and increasing productivity. Ensure you give your virtual team the best possible environment to thrive so that your business grows by leaps and bounds.

How have your coped up with a virtual team? Do share your strategies.


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