‘CheckMyGaadi’ ‘Checks’ Automobile Problems Right Away!

Car Repairing and maintenance has been disturbing for quite some time now. From calling the mechanic to the ensuring that the car is fixed properly, managing everything is difficult indeed.
Ram Jaiswal could decipher this problem faced by people. Thus was born CheckMyGaadi, a one solution for auto needs, right from annual car maintenance, minor repair to major replacements.
Talking to Sub-Editor Gairika Mitra, Ram Jaiswal shares his entrepreneurial journey so far and plans for the future. Edited excepts.
What differentiates CheckMyGaadi from other players in the market? What is its USP like?
There are many things which differentiate CheckMyGaadi from other players. CheckMyGaadi consistently works on innovation and developing a tech and product line which makes Auto service experience more comfortable and cost effective.
Some of the features which differentiate initially are as mentioned below :-
- Smart Care: an annual/half yearly car maintenance package includes all required services for a Car owner including car service, detailing, RSA and repair coupon at a very cost effective price with doorstep facility.
- CheckMyGaadi pricing for doorstep car service is much lower than its competitors along with comprehensive service inclusions.
- Many automobile services companies has availed 'CheckMyGaadi Inspection' services for inspecting the car in their platforms including 'Droom Technologies' and 'Mahindra First Choice'.
How much investment tentatively went into your startup when you first kickstarted?
We are a bootstrapped company since we started and investment is a continuous process when you a have long term vision and you consistently believe in developing new product line and tech.
There are various heads which comes as a planned investments and various comes later on as you always committed to innovate things and taking the product and service to next level.

Ram Jaiswal
How much are you willing to reap in this fiscal?
We are very positive with the new product line and also have a big plans in terms of launching best in the class tech and customer experience. We are expecting to touch a figure of 4-5 Cr revenue by Dec 19.
Has the recent Interim Budget affected you positively?
This govt has brought lots of positivity for startups. Looking forward to relaxed GST slab for startups for taking them necessary growth and clarity and exemption on taxation for angel fund where they investing on startups at initial stages.
Tell us about your plans of scaling up.
CMG is consistently working towards becoming the most tech enable auto service company and soon coming up with new techs for easing the auto service process and giving customer comfort. With the new product line (Smart Care, Value Care and Lux Care), CMG is aspiring to become the dominant player in Car Service segment whether its AMC (Car Annual maintenance ) or retail service and majority of the service we are offering at doorstep only.
Lastly, any advice for wannapreneurs?
There is an immense opportunity to grow and scale up and Indian market is much more matured now for accepting the new changes but the only thing which is important to have a strong belief and consistently upgrading and innovating with time. Yes, it is not going to be an easy path but if you have a strong belief the journey will be fun.