Here Are 3 Self-Made Billionaires Who Started From Nothing

Once school dropouts, they are stalwarts now. Read on about their inspiring journey...
Imagine the son of daily wager (who never had the privilege of going to school) running a business with 150 crore turnover in the last fiscal year! Or perhaps a school drop-out who failed miserably in his exams, who is a unicorn today.
Jack Ma, the richest man of China today, had to put up with a lot of failures in his life. He had failed thrice in his middle school exams. His job life wasn’t too pleasing either. He was the only person to be rejected by KFC among all the candidates who had applied for the job. Ma had failed in two entrepreneurial journeys too, however nothing could deter his spirit. Today, his wealth values at $25 billion approximately.
Reliance Industries founder Dhirubhai Ambani had started off his entrepreneurial career by selling ‘bhajias’ over the weekends, while he was still in school. Thereafter, he had joined a leading trading firm A.Besse & Co. as a gas station attendant and a dispatch clerk. Now, here comes the exciting part of the story. Ambani came back to India in 1958, with INR. 50,000. He had later founded the Reliance Commercial Corporation with a meagre investment of INR.15,000. Imagine, he had attracted 58,000 investors in the very first IPO of Reliance Commercial Corporation! Today, Reliance Industries is one of the most valued asset in India.
All of us know about the immense contributions Steve Job has made in technology. His life was not a bed of roses either. He had to pass through various hurdles both in professional and personal life. Jobs was fired from Apple by the Board of Directors. After his birth, his parents gave him up for adoption. Despite all his professional and personal hiccups, Steve Jobs had fought all battles valiantly and he is a role model to one and all.
The common factors that worked wonders for them were hope and hard work. These big names had never given up and their tales of hard work definitely don’t need a mention separately.
You are here to hustle, to create a strong mark for yourself, an indelible mark, undoubtedly. Nail it hard, entrepreneurs!
You will never hear them talk about LUCK. Write to us, if you think any other factor contributed to their success!