Do you need to hire a Growth Hacker?

Re-set your Growth
Your product is tested and launched, but not able to make a safe landing on the growth trajectory? Dial G-R-O-W-T-H H-A-C-K-E-R.
Growth is the Holy Grail, every company, big or small, desires! But, do you need to appoint a growth hacker who will be able to catapult your business to number one position? You’d be crazy to pass something like this!
But, who is Growth Hacker ?
According to the marketing Godfather Sean Ellis, who coined the term, “A growth hacker is a person whose true north is growth”.
For small or lean organizations to hire a growth that do not have multiple verticals, a growth hacker can give a wholesome business perspective and aid the startups in making growth-oriented business decisions, using the power of the internet, from a single chair. Sounds swell!
Many growth hackers use content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) techniques.They often conduct relentless tests and vigilantly analyze the end data, so that they can improvise accordingly.
Does your Business need a Growth Hacker?
Apart from start-ups, many conventional businesses are also looking for growth hackers to accomplish similar mindboggling results. When businesses reach a point where they have established their product to be market fit, then is the time to search for a growth hacker.
If your business has following signs, then you definitely need to think of getting a growth hacker on-board:
- Requirement to scale up the business
- Necessity of monetization
- There’s a need to ameliorate your processes
- You looking for ways to cut down on the cost of gaining new patrons
- You are trying to reach new markets
- You need to boost the sales
- You are looking to introduce new products along with the old ones
- You are thinking of acquiring and merging in order to grow
Hiring the best growth hacker to suit your business can be overwhelming but if you know your company’s working style distinctively, you will need much less time to find the right candidate.
There is no fun in staying the rut for too long. A little thrust might get you shooting skywards…Soon!