7 movies that will give you a break and get you inspired!

Being an entrepreneur is a tough job, we know. It’s only natural to feel exhausted and uninspired from time to time. But we have just the thing to bring you back on track!
Take a break and rejuvenate yourself with movies. Not only will they life your spirits but also maybe give you an idea on going about your business (movies aren’t just fiction after all)
So kick back, relax and enjoy these 7 movies:
- Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year
Along with being hilarious, it also brings to light how anyone at all can stand up and say “I’m going to do something big”. With Harpreet Singh’s humble nature, quirky behavior and unconventional leadership, it’s sure to tickle the entrepreneur in you.
- Guru
Probably the most apparent, it’s the story of how Guru uses his skills and ambition to create one of the biggest companies of the nation. Aside from the illegal and criminal aspects shown, it’s an excellent example of how undying hard work and dedication never fails.
- Something Ventured
Centered on venture capitalism, this movie is a must watch for start-up entrepreneurs. It will really give you an insight into the minds and the thought-process of VCs.
- Steve Jobs (2015)
The life of Steve Jobs in itself is a huge inspiration to all. But the 2015 film beautifully tells his tale along with being emotionally moving and motivating. All entrepreneurs have a little bit of Steve Jobs in them, don’t you think?
- Ctrl-Alt-Complete
This Microsoft produced film portrays 5 young tech-entrepreneurs (very relatable) trying to bring their start-up to life. If you’ve ever felt alone in your start-up journey, this movie will give your morale a boost!
- The Social Network
The success story of one of the most famous companies today – Facebook. You can definitely take cue from the movie that shows the painstaking path taken by Mark Zuckerberg that brought his start-up to where it is today.
- October Sky
Innovation – widely talked about but barely represented. This movie is based on the true-life story of four young boys wanting to develop their own rocket. With minimal resources and a ton of opposition, the task sounds impossible. But that’s what entrepreneurs’ do – the impossible.
Give yourself a well-deserved inspiration-break and watch these movies. You’re bound to be up and running after that. If we’ve missed out on any that has inspired you, let us know in the comments!