Let mother nature power up your life! Light bulbs light up a dark room with the help of filament present inside them. In a similar manner humans, water, animals, trees and energy light up our lives to make Earth a better place. On this World Environment Day, we aim to appreciate them for saving our…
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5 Reasons to start young

5 Reasons to start young Old habits die hard, and values learned young stick around. The one advice that all successful entrepreneurs have is that it’s never too late to start. Having said that, it’s never too early to start either. Even if it’s just owning a blog or a Facebook page, a little…
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Why you should be watching the Olympic Games: Rio!

While entrepreneurs are busy with their regular schedules of doing their business-things, we hope you haven’t forgotten about the Olympic Games at Rio! It’s more than just a sports event – it’s the culmination of so many dreams, aspirations and sheer dedication. There is so much entrepreneurs can learn from their sports counterparts. Here are…
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5 DIY Ideas for Startup PR Activities

In the last article, we told you how PR can help propel your early stage business. Having said that, hiring PR agencies does not have to be your only solution. You can do your own PR and save those extra coins for rainy days. Here are some ways in which you can do it yourself:…
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Here’s What Your Presentation to Your VC Lacks

We know what you’re thinking – it’s just a presentation. If you’re new to the startup game, chances are that you have had your share of trying to secure funding. Meeting VCs after VCs and conjuring up countless presentations isn’t easy. Everyone’s on the same boat. So how do you make sure that your boat…
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‘Angel Tax’ No More for Start-ups

In a surprising turn of events post the Google Tax, the government has announced the removal of 'Angel Tax' for investors providing funding to start-ups! Angel tax in all simplicity, was the tax levied upon start-ups when they received angel investments. Start-ups were paying up to a staggering 33% tax. For years, the venture capital industry had been…
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